Hi Isobel,
First of all a Happy New Year - hope you had a good Christmas. Secondly, apologies for taking so long to send you this. Life became very busy after we last met.
The day after we met I had a walk round Sorse's fields and all the things he was talking about were around him - the only thing I haven't yet worked out is the water bubble although after all this rain the fields are very wet (i still think it could be some kind of underground spring) - but i found everything else in his surroundings including the broken tin roof and drainpipe you could see, these were in the rubbish tip the farmer uses in one of his fields and can be seen in one of the photos. I think you can also see the likeness to the goat in his lumps! I'm pleased to say the lumps are much improved - almost gone. I read about a supplement which was good for skin irritations and i thought it worth a try. Whether its coincidental or not i don't know but he is very much improved since we saw you which is a great relief. I also noticed recently that the goats have gone so who knows?
Hope you find the photos interesting and see you soon,
Best wishes
Kath Pople and Sorse